Monday, December 30, 2013

Sunrise Hike

I didn't need the alarm from my trusty LG G2x to wake me up today, I just woke up! and it's still early enough to hike and see the sunrise. Yeah!

No time for a shower, grab a few things and dash outside, shoomp shoomp my tacoma fired to life, after rolling through the local Starbucks drive-thru grande latte in hand and singing along to AC/DC Big Balls I knew it was going to be a great day.

This is all the video I have the battery in my old cell just quit on me. Grrrrrrrr!

LMAO I had thrown a Starbucks VIA and two packets of oatmeal into my pack along with my LiteTrail cook esbit system for my morning meal, the funny thing is I forgot a lighter or firesteel, the reason is because I grabbed my *everyday* pack  Good thing I decided to get a blueberry muffin at the drive-thru and it sure tasted good.

Pro's: Had a great hike, it was very short, but any time outside is awesome.
Con's: use hiking pack next time, bring SPOT, put a lighter in *every* pack I have, upgrade my not so trusty cell phone.

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